After living in Japan for nine months and having a flight back to Sweden in the end of June I have mixed emotions. I feel that I have learned so much by living in Japan, not only about Japan as a country but about myself as well. I have seen some of the differences between Japan and my own country, like the pace of doing things. In Sweden people tend to rush not things and take time to do the task, whilst in Japan people seem to do the opposite.
But on the other hand, Japan has such great service wherever you go, and I would not say that it is at the same level in Sweden. I guess both countries and cultures comes with it´s one plus points.
However, by being in Japan I have discovered what I would like to do with my life. I think this comes from a mix of missing thing in Sweden and learning about new things here in Japan, to have had the chance to experience a new culture and living within it has truly been eye opening for me. One of these things that clearly comes from my time here is that I realized how lucky we are in Sweden where there is still so much open landscapes, something that is not so common in Japan.
But after all, Japan would not at all been the same thing without all the people that I have met here and made this such a beautiful experience. I have certainty felt very welcomed here and been able to see and feel so much. My life would not have been the same without this time in Japan.
Since it is hard to choose appropriate pictures for this kind of topic I decided to choose pictures that make me happy and remind me of my time here.
Thank you for your efforts this semester.